Saturday, 10 December 2011

Camera HD Quality Test

We'll need to get the chance to start filming for our preliminary task over the next couple of days, so I thought I'd have a tinker with the different settings on this Bloggie so that when we start filming for real we can use the highest quality that the camera will allow for.

As I have nothing interesting for me to film, I decided to just stick the camera on the tripod and record me playing with my uke... our coursework film will be much more interesting than this, promise!

(full HD only accessible through the YouTube page, not the embed...)

This is just the raw .mp4 - obviously this has been squashed a bit by YouTube's encoder and it will look a bit different depending on how we render our film but it does let us have a rough idea of what we can expect from the camera. When filming in 1080p (as with this video) the quality seems to be clear, however the camera only has 4GB of internal memory, so we'll need to buy/acquire a fair amount of resources to back work up on to (folks: do any of you have any good storage devices? I won't mind going out to buy one during the week, but if you already have a good USB stick or something it will be useful) so that our work can be organised. We'll also need to make backups to the school's network if possible, there's no way I'm letting us lose hours worth of filming...

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